The Morning Blend appearance
Get precise vitamin matching based on your unique energetic codes exclusively at Prescription Lab Compounding Pharmacy.
What Is Electrodermal Screening?
Conversation With Dr. Ferryl McClain – BioEnergetics
In this episode, Candice has a conversation with Dr. Ferryl McClain. Dr. Ferryl specializes in BioEnergetics and strongly advocates about the benefits of drinking Alkaline Water. Click link below to hear the conversation...
Dr. Ferryl McClain Business Journal Feature
If you want to know what’s going on inside your body, just let Dr. Ferryl McClain touch your fingers and toes with her magic wand.
Actually, the probe she uses is neither magic nor a wand but it might as well be given the detailed and highly accurate assessment of the body her BioScan machine produces with just a simple touch. The technology is a blend of Eastern and Western medicine that has been around for decades but largely ignored in American medicine. McClain, a pharmacist in Missouri City, wants to change that.
Dr. Ferryl McClain interviewed by Joe Southern
Sometimes I use words like “life-changing” and “paradigm shift” a little to loosely.
I don’t think I can emphasize them enough when talking about Dr. Ferryl McClain, a bioenergetic pharmacist I interviewed a couple weeks ago for a story. Going into the interview I had only a vague idea of what she did. To be honest, it sounded like some far out, new age, Asian mystic hoodoo to me. Energy waves? Acupressure points? Yeah, whatever.
Bioenergetic scanning comes to Missouri City pharmacy
Almost like waving a magic wand, Dr. Ferryl McClain uses an electronic device that, with a simple touch to fingers and toes, can analyze almost any problem with the body.
The sounds-too-good-to-be-true technology is a blend of Eastern and Western medicine that has been around for decades but largely ignored in American medicine. McClain, a pharmacist in Missouri City, wants to change that.
Is your cell phone hurting you? Get it tested
Is your cell phone physically harming you each time it rings?
Is your microwave cooking more than your leftovers?
These and other electronic devices of modern convenience may be bathing your body in dangerous levels of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) waves.EMF occurs naturally in the environment and is at such low levels it is harmless to humans.
BioEnergetic Works
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